Our Principal
Anggia Murni is a landscape architect with 29 years of experience in landscape services with a horticultural knowledge background from the time she worked at Indonesians biggest nursery. With her passion she started PT. Tropica Greeneries in 2002. Her trademarks are sustainable & ecological landscape design. She is one of the core-founders of Green Building Council Indonesia, and one of the initiators of Green Product Council Indonesia.
She is in the capacity as the Board of Indonesian Society of Landscape Architect (ISLA) or Majelis Ikatan Arsitek Lansekap Indonesia (IALI).
She is one of the trainers in the Green Building Council and an assessor in green building assessment. Frequently invited as a speaker in many seminars & workshops. And also entrusted to the jury in the airport design contest in 2015. She has been successfully as the head of organizing committee for The 2015 IFLA Asia Pacific Region Council Congress in Lombok, Indonesia.
To enhance and update knowledge, she quite often join International conferences such as Airport Going Green Conference in Amsterdam in November 2016 and World Green Building International Conference in New Orleans.
We are committed to be a landscape consultant and landscape contractor company focused on quality and professionalism. With ecological concept in mind for design and construction. Through innovations, creativity as well as culture and sense of place, we try to have an active contribution to a more green and healthy planet.
Give a service with quality standard which is aplicable with efective consideration and full commitment to best result.
Open to multi disciplinary discussion in order to give appropriate and enviromantaly friendly responsible result.
Holisticly designing and constructing, in terms of holticultural, architectural, structural, local wisdom, and history
Able to give design & build service with consideration of client wishes in terms of the site condition, budget, and suistainably development.
Create conducive and fun working climate to stimulate innovation and distinctively design.
Company Culture
Work is worship.
Being creative is fun.
Discipline is a lifestyle.
Coworkers are best friends.
Smart solution is innovation.
Timely is a commitment.
Helping is a habit.
Sharing is giving.
Greeting each other is caring.
Being grateful is an obligation.
Member of Indonesia Landscape Architect Association (IALI).
One of the Core founders of Green Building Counsel of Indonesia (GBCI).
One of the Initiator of Green Product Council of Indonesia (GPCI)
Asosiasi Kontraktor Landscape Indonesia (AKLANI)